Saturday 8 September 2012

Mother at the Mount

Mount Mary Church at Bandra celebrates it feast today on the 8th September in honour of Mother Mary on whose name the Church is dedicated. Thousand of believers throng to Mount Mary Church to attend the Holy Mass throughout the day.
Mary is the Mother of Jesus and her Birthday is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm. This feast is celebrated by all the Catholics throughout the world.
According to Indian tradition Mothers have a great role in the family and mother is honoured. In the normal sense it is to the mother normally we confide everything. It is the experiences of people that whoever comes at Mount Mary Church experiences a great joy and tranquillity and peace of mind

Friday 7 September 2012

Novena at Mount

Mount Mary Church at Bandra in preparation of the birthday of the mother of Jesus began the nine days Novena on the 30th of last month. The Novena will culminate with the feat day celebration on the 8th of this month. 
Thousands of devotees gather together for the Holy Eucharist daily held at regular intervals. It is inspiring to see people irrespective of religion, carrying candles, flowers and garlands heading towards mount Mary to pay homage to Mother Mary. The perfect order maintained by the devotees walking along the path way specially created for the convenience of the devotees is to be admired.  

Thursday 6 September 2012

Metro slab collapse; kills 1 and injures 16

A fifty feet long concrete slab collapsed at metro rail ways on Wednesday at 4:35 in Mumbai killing one person leaving 16 critically injured. The metro railway being constructed by reliance infrastructure has been plagued by untold delay several mishaps.

There have been isolated cases in India of the collapse of metro railway slabs. In 2010 the collapse of metro in Delhi became a shame for India and it's construction of major project as metro line. It is normal happening in Konkan railway root in monsoon causing injuries, damage, fear and delay in the running time of the train.     

Wednesday 5 September 2012

A great teacher inspires us

Teacher’s day is celebrated in India on the fifth of September with much enthusiasm and respect. Student exchange Bouquet to teachers to show their love and appreciation to them. 

This day is observed by different countries in different dates. Pakistan and Germany celebrate teacher’s day on the 5th of October. China celebrates it on the 10th September while Brazil celebrates it on 5th of October.

Teacher’s day reminds us Indians of the birthday of  Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan who was a teacher par excellent. He was a staunch believer of education a diplomat and a scholar. When Dr. Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan became the President of India in 1962, some students approached him and requested him to allow them to celebrate his Birthday. In reply he said “"Instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if September 5 is observed as Teachers' Day". This request from Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan shows his love for the teaching profession and the importance of genuine teachers.

An average teacher teaches but a real teacher is the one who guides and inspires the students.
Thank you for being such wonderful teachers, exemplary role models and caring people, Thank you for imparting your knowledge, thank you for your love appreciation , word of encouragement and approval.

Hat off to my great teachers:  Teacher’s in the schooldays teachers of philosophy during my BPH( Bachelor of Philosophy), Teacher’s of Theology during BTH (Bachelor of Theology) Teacher’s of Communication during BA- Media technologies) and professors of Communication and Journalism in Mumbai University.

I respect you. And wish you all the best. 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Coal block allocation

The report of the comptroller and Auditor general of India’s (CAG) report on coal block allocation caused much havoc hue and cry in the parliament for many days. The monsoon session of the Parliament was disrupted even on the eight day of the parliamentary session. BJP kept up its demand on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s resignation. Congress president Sonia Gandhi requested the congress leaders to fight aggressively against the BJP’s stand as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that he will not quit as he is elected for the term of five years. The assumed amount one lakh eighty six crores is a loss to the country says BJP.   Finance minister, P Chidambaram paused a question which says “how could it be a loss when actual mining has not taken place?
It is true that when the coal mines are allotted to private companies the government loses control over it. When BJP demands Prime Minister’s resignation do they not think of the cost and loss of an un timely election which will involve lakhs of rupees?

Monday 3 September 2012

Rains in Mumbai

Life in Mumbai almost came to a stands till on Monday as the city witnessed the heaviest rain fall of the season. Many of the local train were cancelled or delayed as major roads were submerged. Water logging caused traffic, breakdown of mini vehicles. The chaos created by the water logging caused serious delay in the passenger’s home coming. Offices and schools reported a thin attendance as they preferred to return home in the mid way fearing the flood situations. Seeing needs of the people auto rickshaws put their rate high which caused inconvenienced to the public and they opt out their idea of hiring the same. 
Though the rain fall was not uniform across the city the rain lasted for few hours stretching from 1 pm to 7 pm. 

Sunday 2 September 2012

Death Sentence

Most of the people of India are extremely happy with the death penalty pronounced upon Ajmal Kasab the lone survivor of 26/11 terrorist attack. In fact they are waiting for the day for this happening. India has indeed spent Lakhs of rupees to protect this terrorist or keep this terrorist alive till today. It is better that India spent this money for some cause worth it.

There are also people who consider it as an unfortunate event.  Medha Patkar says that the state does not have the right to take anyone’s life.

Indeed, the debate for and against death penalty in India is bound to intensify as the real culprit and the master mind behind the whole terrorist attack remain untouched.