Saturday 25 August 2012

Do you feel pity

It is a common scene in Bandra that at all cross roads and signals there are beggars. It could be a child coming to sell something or a eunuch coming to you with typical clapping of the hand. If you happen to travel by an auto rickshaw or private vehicles you do not miss them and the eunuchs coming and touching you all over. 

What is your reaction? Do you feel angry/or do you feel pity?  Often we just simply want to get rid of to avoid them. We wished if the signal was on. Or we close the glasses of the vehicle to get rid of them.  It is often seen that young     girls with children begging on the cross roads.

 It was on a Saturday I happened to see a young mother, fast asleep on the foot path wither bundles under her head and the two year old child watching all that is going on.  Does the mother have any anxiety over the child what will happen to the child? No.  It does not seem to be so.  The child knows how to manage herself and be there on the cross road pavements.  He begs occasionally as he is taught to do at this tender age.  Do you feel bored in your high class style of functioning?  Look at the people around struggling for a meal a day.  Think over it your life will change if you have a heart that really feels for the humanity around you.

Friday 24 August 2012

Cut............ Cut

As usual I got out of the train at Bandra heading towards home at 2:30 on 22nd August.  There was a long queue for auto rickshaw .That too was normal.  I proceeded and entered a pathway free of people which was something strange to Bandra station premise which is very busy at all times. I wondered asked question to myself why was that place left free of people? Suddenly as look around I saw a gathering of 100 to 200 people including women and people continued to come in as the news spread. I saw police van and well equipped high quality camera settings. I inquired and found out that the reason was that Irfan Khan was going to act.  As the train whistled Irfan Khan moved towards the platform faced the camera as the train stopped on the platform. He moved ahead in front of the moving crowd he looked as though he was travelling in the local train. He walked out of the platform. Cut.. Cut, there came the voice from the director as they wanted to have another shot. Suddenly there came a three railway police men shouting to the top of their voice how could you get here? Get out, don’t ever step in. Go to the other side. People were curious to know where the actor went and went on their way.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


Fearlessness is one of the characteristics of an investigative journalist. Soren Kierkegaard one of philosophers who ardently spoke of on fear in his book fear and trembling.
Soren Kierkegaard a Danish philosopher of the ninetieth century was one of the most gifted, creative and provocative thinkers within the western philosophical tradition. His way of writing calls and challenges his readers to think about their lives in a totally different way. Kierkegaard reminds us that philosophy must be concerned with our ordinary life rather than abstract theories. While the then philosophers insisted more on reason, on the contrary Kierkegaard insisted more on passion rather than reason. With the help of his uncompromising way of thinking about human condition he paved way for a new direction in philosophy. He is known as the father of existentialism. It shaped the intellectual life of the twentieth century Europe. He had also an enormous influence on philosophers such as Heidegger, Sartre, and Wittgenstein.
A new philosophy emerges from thinking. One person becomes philosopher when he thinks in a special way which anyone has ever thought. If the thinking is profound then there arises a beautiful horizon of a new philosophy. Soren Kierkegaard was a philosopher. It shows the meaning that he thought in a particular way in which no one of the then existing philosophers thought
The philosophy of Kierkegaard is entirely different from the great conceptual systems, such as Aristotle, Hegel, and Leibniz etc. They devoted their thought to abstract logical and speculative thinking. These principles have
influenced the western history very much. But the individual’s experiences of its effects are in a very indirect manner. These effects reached to ordinary individuals, filtered by the social institution of religion, politics, science and other academic disciplines. Consequently, the ideas presented in this type of philosophy can rarely be adapted to the practical, ordinary everyday needs of the individual human being

Monday 20 August 2012

India Needs Professionals

IIT Mumbai celebrated its Golden Jubilee on 18th of August. India has 5o years of techno history with best of technocrats, trained professional coupled with practical thinking. Participating in the Golden Jubilee celebration of IIT Mumbai Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh said that India needs to have quantitative measures to counteract brain drain and migration.  India lags behinds in technology and sciences. Human capital flight is a major cause behind this situation. We need more professionals in the country than politicians, film stars and sports stars.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Human Capital flight

Human capital flight commonly known as
Brain drain
is a serious problem of our country. It is large scale emigration of a group of people in the specialized area of expertise. It is large-scale immigration of technically qualified persons. It is departure of educated or professional from one country, economic sector, or any specialized field for another, usually for better pay or living conditions. In search of better pastures trained persons migrate to developed countries. The reason could be lack of opportunities political unrest, ethnic conflicts, Health risk. Better living facilities etc.... Brain drain is common amongst developing nations.