Friday 24 August 2012

Cut............ Cut

As usual I got out of the train at Bandra heading towards home at 2:30 on 22nd August.  There was a long queue for auto rickshaw .That too was normal.  I proceeded and entered a pathway free of people which was something strange to Bandra station premise which is very busy at all times. I wondered asked question to myself why was that place left free of people? Suddenly as look around I saw a gathering of 100 to 200 people including women and people continued to come in as the news spread. I saw police van and well equipped high quality camera settings. I inquired and found out that the reason was that Irfan Khan was going to act.  As the train whistled Irfan Khan moved towards the platform faced the camera as the train stopped on the platform. He moved ahead in front of the moving crowd he looked as though he was travelling in the local train. He walked out of the platform. Cut.. Cut, there came the voice from the director as they wanted to have another shot. Suddenly there came a three railway police men shouting to the top of their voice how could you get here? Get out, don’t ever step in. Go to the other side. People were curious to know where the actor went and went on their way.

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