Saturday 25 August 2012

Do you feel pity

It is a common scene in Bandra that at all cross roads and signals there are beggars. It could be a child coming to sell something or a eunuch coming to you with typical clapping of the hand. If you happen to travel by an auto rickshaw or private vehicles you do not miss them and the eunuchs coming and touching you all over. 

What is your reaction? Do you feel angry/or do you feel pity?  Often we just simply want to get rid of to avoid them. We wished if the signal was on. Or we close the glasses of the vehicle to get rid of them.  It is often seen that young     girls with children begging on the cross roads.

 It was on a Saturday I happened to see a young mother, fast asleep on the foot path wither bundles under her head and the two year old child watching all that is going on.  Does the mother have any anxiety over the child what will happen to the child? No.  It does not seem to be so.  The child knows how to manage herself and be there on the cross road pavements.  He begs occasionally as he is taught to do at this tender age.  Do you feel bored in your high class style of functioning?  Look at the people around struggling for a meal a day.  Think over it your life will change if you have a heart that really feels for the humanity around you.

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