Saturday 6 October 2012

A singer and a columnist committed suicide

Varsha Bhosle, a singer and a columnist committed suicide on Monday  October 8 th by shooting herself at her residence in Mumbai. In 2008, she was admitted to hospital after an overdose of medicines. Varsha who lent her voice for a couple of Hindi and Marathi films also appeared in some concerts with her mother. Apart from singing, Varsha wrote columns for The Sunday Observer, Gentleman magazine, The Times of India and Rediff.
Varsha completed her schooling from Hill Grange High School on Pedder Road, Mumbai, in 1974. She then studied Political Science at Elphinstone College.
In 2008, it was rumoured that Varsha had attempted suicide, but later on it emerged that she was hospitalised after an overdose of medicines. She used to live with her mother in Mumbai.

Courtesy  HT Syndication 

Thursday 4 October 2012

104, yet stern and steady.

Mr. Joe Menezes who lives in Bandra, Mumbai, with his son turns 103 today on October 4th. 103 yet he is steady like an eighty year old and walks like a 90 year old. Having a son and a daughter married and well settled in life is fortunate to see his children and grandchildren and their children. He is a good musician a violinist and singer. Having his military background in job and singing he taught music even on his 100th birthday.

Our life span is seventy years and eighty for those who are strong says Psalms, one of the books in the holy BIBLE. But can you think of someone who is 103 yet fully in his senses with good memory and an analytical mind? Yes he posses it. Indeed he is a happy man. He is thrilled as he gets phone calls from his grandchildren who are settled in America and other countries. Indeed it is a memorable day for him to celebrate his life and abundance of graces received from above. 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Heavy rains cools the city

On the first of October Mumbai had a heavy shower followed by thunder and lightning. It was seen in whole of Mumbai, Kalyan, Thane Bhivandi and some other places too. The unexpected rain relieved the rising heat in the city.
However the thunder and lightning was a terrible experience for the travellers and those out for various purposes as they feared life. Consequences were found at the air port and in the local railways as they halted for few minutes to restart with the schedules.  In just one hour comparatively, the city saw a heavy shower that outscored a normal monsoon day.  It is unfortunate that people lost their lives in thunder and lightning. The weather department blamed the increase in temperature and humidity during the day for thunder storms in the evening.

Monday 1 October 2012

Dowry system an evil in the society

India suffers from many social evils and superstitions. One of these great evils of dowry system. Cash and kind to his daughter during her marriage dowry is given. This is wicked, and Al, one or the other and the communities in the departments of the country. With it, greed, women, girl child is ill, treatment, woman – burning against the bias, like many other evils associated with taking bribes, etc., etc., so that one can give the money to marry his daughter. Many young women are committing suicide because their parents can not afford a dowry. In many cases, parents exorbitant interest rates to borrow money to his daughters wedding and kills the entry of many problems the rest of his life.
It is very difficult to find a match for a girl without paying handsome dowry. The relationship soured and there is tension, ill-will and dissension in families. Business and married a girl’s parents as a kind of exploitation. Well educated, and most boys of his father put a large portion of demand in both cash and kind. The rates for boys married and has qualifications in career mode. If the boy to a doctor or engineer, the demand may be anything between 5 to 10 million. If you have a male IAS A. Rates are still much higher. Thus, bridegrooms and girls are bought and sold like commodities on the sacrificial altar of marriage. The heart of a happy marriage and relationships but not married, the more transactions, a simple means of exploitation. Even the most educated and affluent parents, not back off his beggars and do not demand huge dowries.
Dowry system is a great shame for the Indian society is a slur. Evil can be found in any other country as a dowry. Reflects our prejudice against the women. It underlines the fact that women are not treated equally and fairly. After marriage, women are harassed, treated the sick and burned to death if they fail to bring in enough dowry. This woman is no limit to the greed of the law. They are also more and more dowry demands after marriage. In many families it is hell. The country has wicked woman is already a heavy toll of life. And yet there is not the end. People who suffer from double standards and double talk. They speak and preach against the dowry system, but they raise a claim at the time of the marriage of his son.
Equality of men and women in law against dowry system. It is a criminal offence  give and take dowry. But this is a violation of the open. There are thousands of cases every year portion of a few criminals are actually punished. It shows that laws alone are not enough. Besides laws, we need more social awareness and effective social action. We should create a movement and a strong public opinion against the system. Villages and every nook and corner of the country, this movement should be taken. More leaders, social groups, men, women, and evil must be involved in the movement. Social exclusion should be enough for those who practice the dowry system. Women’s organizations such as the people to hold demonstrations against it.
Registration must be married. Young men and women should take oath against evil. Women married to men who refuse to be a demand for dowry. Group and community marriages can help remove the evil. More and more women should be encouraged to take employment and become economically independent. A very low percentage of literacy among girls and women. This rate should be increased. More schools, colleges, and training of women should be opened. There is free education up to university level should be for women. Spread education and literacy among women is a great weapon against dowry can be.
Portion of women and the practice itself should be the next fight. Their rights, privileges, and powers should know. They should stop thinking in terms of the weak sex. They should open rebellion, and the portion of practitioners. They stand on their legs and to fight for their rights. Now there is more awareness among the women than before. But it is only the beginning. They are all kinds of discriminations and unjust men – fighting for dominance. These young men should be frankly rejected the demand for dowry from their parents. But in a situation of one party reduces the demand for dowry. Evil to be fought both in law and society level. Never for a strong campaign and the movement to eradicate the evil.
Dowry system is an evil in the society destroying the very fabrics of the family and even degrading Human dignity