Wednesday 26 September 2012

A trip to Korea

With seven of my sisters I left for Korea for an international meeting on the 17th of June 2011. The meeting commenced at Seoul Korea. The participants from China, Papua New Guinea Philippines, India, Korea, Australia, Vietnam and Malaysia were chosen members for this meeting. The 48 members gathered were all of Different languages and culture. The Representatives  could effectively participate in the meeting due to the simultaneous translation offered, over the earphone, from Italian to English and vice versa, Korean and Chinese to English and Italian and vice versa, Korean to English and Italian and vice versa, Chinese to English and Korean and Italian and vice versa.
Korea is a clean, beautiful and a well built Country. People of Korea are very gentle, soft spoken yet assertive. Buddhist presence is predominant in Korea and people have Buddhist tradition. They have adapted Chinese food style  as Korea was part of China for many years.
Indeed it was an enriching experience for me to travel from India to Korea with three hours stopover at Hongkong and to mingle with people of other country.   

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