Sunday 16 September 2012

Conclusion of the Bandra fair

On the 8th of September, the Church all over the world celebrated the birthday of Mary the Mother of Jesus. The people of Bandra celebrate this feast with much pomp and glory. So much so, they celebrate Bandra fair after the birthday of our heavenly Mother. The Bandra Fair refers to the celebrations that are connected with the annual Feast of Our Lady of the Mount .  

This year, the Bandra fair started on the 9th of September and ended on the 16th of September. Mumbai’s Mount Mary fair in-fact is eight days festival of prayer and pilgrimage. Simple faith of the Ordinary people flocking to the Mother at Mount  Basilica will really prove the comforting presence of a mother assured to everyone irrespective of caste, creed,  colour and religion. Thousands of people from the state of Maharashtra and from the neighbouring states make us believe that there is something special about this Mother.  In

 spite of crowd, the perfect order, peace and silence maintained during this feast is to be admired. Together with prayerful pilgrimage, the stalls of various kinds is an attraction for the crowd come and be a part of this mega event. 

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