Thursday 7 February 2013

Social media in personal and social life

From the beginning of humanities existence people migrated to places where there is accessibility of water and other basic necessities of life. But today people look for connectivity to internet and other media gadgets. Or else one feel isolated or cut off from the rest of the world. New media today has become popular in the recent years. It has become Basic necessity, so to say, aspect of human life especially of children and young adults. In fact internet is a medium especially of the new generation which can be called ‘e generation’. This e- generation seems to have all possible information on all things possible with the emergence of the social media. Let us see what this new media all about.

Internet and Social media are arenas where in the individuals and communities can participate in the common sharing of ideas, opinions and views and interact with one another in text, voice, images and videos. It is a best source entertainment. Social media/ social networking media is a generic term used to describe social interaction through a gamut of technology based tools many of which are internet based. They are various interactive tools for learning, exchange of ideas and views. Most commonly used social media network media are Facebook, Orkuit, Twitter, Blog, YouTube, etc... (The ethical Challenges of Social Media, December,2011)
Children and young adults use internet and other social media extensively. Around 80% of the youth population has internet access and they spend considerably good amount of time on internet. Internet is introduced to the children at very you age itself. In fact children and young adults are the first one to learn such sophisticated technology. (Ramdhone, 2012)
New media has undoubtedly contributed and contribute to the social life of people especially of youth and children who are engaged in interacting with one another. The most spoken benefit of the new media is that it has immediate benefit.

It is a human tendency and inclination to subdue and conquer space and time. They try to capture as many boundaries as possible. They wish to be present faraway places and to be part of the community of their own. New media makes this possible as they can instantly communicate with people faraway and join in the virtual community online. In the recent times due to work pressure and better living conditions people migrate from one place to another at times even fragmenting the family. But the technology has made it possible for people gather virtually reducing even space and time. (Philip Brey, 1997)

 Technology is playing a major role in conveying information and sending out messages. Social media amplifies and reflects real life. It created an online identity. Children and  youth more than anyone else learn a great deal about life online.

As social media and various sites continue to grow in popularity, technology plays a vital role in today’s student success stories. More than from family, parents and friends they learn a great deal from their social networking sites and online surfing. Social media has positive influence on students retaining capacity in studying. College student spends a lot of time in social media be it YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn or any other. (Effects of Social Media on College Students, 2011)

Often creativity is seen as talent or as a characteristic of eminent people. A distinctive person and good leader is associated with talents and innovative spirit. At the same time, a number of studies 
recognize that creativity can be enhanced and cultivated. Today internet is such a forum wherein individuals learn every possible thing from internet and other social media net works.

Today internet social networking has emerged as medium of teaching. As students a have access to a lot of social networking sites they are at times better informed than the teachers.  In order to keep up to date with the teaching they familiarise themselves with social net working sites for better information. (The World of Social Networking, March 2012)
Internet and social media have endless possibility of teaching and self study on all topics. They are best means of study and clearing doubt. It can be of great source for maintaining friendship. However a careful watch over one self is of utmost necessity as one can misuse these means avoiding even social relationship as one has the tendency to be a techno savvy.

Work cited

Effects of Social Media on College Students, (2011), Johnson & Wales University .
Philip Brey, U. o. (1997), New Media and the quality of Life.

Ramdhone, K. S. (2012), Psychological Impact of Iinternet Usage on Uhildren/ Adoleescents, Child Psychologist Ministry of Gender Equality, Child development and Family welfare.

The Ethical Challenges of Social Media, (December,2011). Business briefing, Issue 22.

The World of Social Networking. (March 2012). Retrieved February 4th, 2013, from The World of Social Networking:
The World of Social Networking. (March 2012). Retrieved February 4th, 2013, from The World of Social Networking:

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