Wednesday 12 September 2012

An interview for Radio- A professor with a difference

An  interview for Radio

Hello listeners today we have with us Dr. Pascal Marbaniang a professor in the North-eastern hill University (NEHU). He is a well known professor of Political science in NEHU.    He lives in Dhanketi with his wife and three children.

 Jessy: Good evening Dr. Pascal

Dr. Pascal Good evening Jessy

Jessy: How are you?

Dr. Pascal: I am fine, thank you.

Jessy : Dr. Pascal we are very, very happy to have you with us today for this special program. Dr. Pascal you are a teacher by profession. How many years are you in teaching profession? and how many hours of a day you are engaged in

Dr.Pascal: I started my profession as a teacher in the late 70 's .After me completion of my post graduation. I taught in the synod school in Jowai and in St Antony's School for a year, after a break of two years I started my career as a professor in Norm eastern Hill University. I don't have   much teaching hours, hardly two hours. But most of the time I am busy with guiding me P.H.D students to be precise I guide seven PHD students and I am a co-guide for six students. Part of my time I am occupied Music in given seminars and Symposiums.

Jessy: How do you like your job as a university professor?

Pascal: Very satisfying, very satisfying. In 19911 I started my profession as a Lawyer. Within two years I left the job, because it wasn’t paying, more over the clients expected free service.

Jessy:   Oh I see, you are lawyer by profession.

Dr. Pascal: Usually I tell people why I left this profession as a lawyer because on my tomb they will write here lies me man who lied during his life time and lies here to lie no more. But joining the university I have entered in the right job.
I can update and improve my knowledge day by day

Jessy: As you are engaged in teaching the energetic Youth, what is your impression of the students day by day. Is there any difference in their attitude,
towards education?
 Dr.Pascal: Comparing to the y ester years me students are not of high caliber. Today mere is a lot of competition. For instance I am also involved in the admission process. Our entire seats are of only 50 for which 200 students apply. Today there is an increase in the number of students spending their time in time in library because in post graduate level they cannot get the entire syllabus from one book. They have to refer many books.

Jessy: Which means you too have to refer many books

Dr. Pascal Obviously, I have to read and refer every day, because at times the students know  better than the professor. They an intelligent and are up to date with current affairs.

Jessy:   Dr.Pascal besides being a professor I know you as a writer and as a person interested in literature. Is writing your hobby could you explain about your interest in writing.

 Dr. Pascal: I began my writing in 1970 in Khasi. poetry, fiction & literature, ft is part time hobby. I too have written 18 books for the primary schools. History and civics for class five to simplify me work load of the students who suddenly jump into English medium school.

Jessy : Have you written any other books besides the school books?

Dr Pascal: Yes of course I do write on philosophical books, Khasi matriliny and on traditional constitutional law. I was happy that there e was a girl who did research on my writing which left me with the feeling that I too can contribute to the literature.

Jessy : Olinda you are doing your research paper under the guidance of Dr Pascal. Could you explain to us your experience of Dr. Pascal?.

Olinda: Well, I see him much more man a professor, as a person who is really interested in the growth of the students. His availability and timely assistance is something commendable. I can say mat he is a lover of humanity.

Jessy: Dr Pascal: I know you as a good musician. Do you enjoy music?
Dr Pascal: Oh I enjoy music! I play guitar and keyboard. The reason why I enjoy music is that, in music a person can co-ordinate things. You have to have a sense of harmony and direction to where you are going. B is very pleasant to see mat our young people enjoy music but not at random
Jessy: Do you teach music?

Dr Pascal: Yes I do teach music, m the diocesan level I am a resource person and co-ordination of music ministry. We have trained 100 people, if you happen to go to Maubri, Laban and Laithkor you will aw youth singing in four different voices.

Jessy: Since you are engaged in other activities too. Could you explain to name other areas of your activities?

Dr Pascal: I do conduct seminar for youth, present papers on various topics for various age groups. For example the Daibar and Shillong used to call me for social awareness program for self help. I also conduct retreat for youth and Children and lectures in various institutions . I spent time with social groups apart from me university activities.

Jessy: Thank you Dr.Pascal for being with us. It was really enriching and inspiring to talk to you and listening to you.

Dr Pascal: Thank you Jessy. It is a pleasure for me to share my experience.
Thank you bye-bye.

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