Monday 10 September 2012

The milk man of India passes away

The milk man of India passes away

  Dr Verghese Kurien who is known as the “milk man of India”, the father of “White Revolution”, who pioneered the dairy co-operative movement passes away due to old age ailments. His genuine interest in the farmer’s welfare raised the country into the world’s largest milk producer in the world overtaking even the once milk-abundant Netherlands.

His body was brought to the  “the milk capital of India”  at Anand in Gujrat and kept at the Sardar hall of the Amul dairy, where thousands, owed him for their economic freedom, paid him their last respects.
A native of Kozhikode, Kerala, on November 26, 1921, Dr. Kurien, completed his mechanical engineer with dairy engineering as a minor subject, came to Anand in 1949. He was a well trained man who studied in India and abroad in the field of milk production and processing. He made Anand his home town for nearly sixty years.
It is due to his effort that India today contributes about 17 per cent of the total milk production in the world.  Amul, with a annual income of over Rs. 13,000 crore, is Asia’s top milk-producing brand and is  counted, with as world’s leading brands in any sector.

In condolence message to his family the honourable prime minister of our country Dr Manmohan Singh called Dr Kurien as an “innovative and outstanding manger and an exceptional human being”.  Chief minister of Gujrat Narendra Modi said that “His life was a perfect example of one life one mission” 

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