Friday 19 October 2012

Brain Drain a Serious Issue

The migration of skilled individuals or technical personnel to other nations is referred as brain drain. On seeing hundreds and thousands of students passing out from the schools year after year one might wonder where will all these be educated and given job. Today even if a student gets ninety percentages of marks he or she is unable to get admission in reasonably good colleges. According to the study India has a smooth flow of education system.
It has become a fashion and prestige for parents to send their children to foreign countries for studies immediately after their elementary studies. The innumerable opportunities of scholarship and incentives boost educational thrust of Indians outside India.
 Indians are smart creative and hard working. Indian IT branch has caused a boom in the world.  People with professional qualification have a chance of job opportunities even in the developed countries. Thus a large group of Indian trained individuals seek job in the developed countries. Asian countries as a whole is a victim of brain drain as western countries pour job opportunities to Asian countries. Human capital flight or large-scale emigration of individuals with technical skills or knowledge normally happens due to conflict, lack of opportunity, political instability, health risks or financial security. One of the benefits of brain drain is that individual brain will get opportunity to nurture talents and gifts in another atmosphere and it can be used worldwide.
We live in a world of quick fix solutions to the problems and fast money. Unemployment is an excuse for brain drain. The employment opportunities within the country seem to be inadequate in comparison with the fast money available. Better life style fame and prestige attributed to the job in foreign countries can be a reason for brain drain. It can be beneficial if the persons send money in foreign currency and go with the hope of returning home back again.  The migration of skilled individuals to other nations makes the country remain without much development. If the skilled labor of Indians put together India can attain desired benefits in the given time and rise to the level of developed countries.
It is a common scene in Metro Politan cities where in elderly stay alone. If you ask they will tell you “my son is in America and my daughter is in Canada, they send Money for us”. Soon their faces fade and they will tell you of the loneliness and unexplainable insecurity feeling of old age. The daily phone call and the abundance of money will not substitute the company of their own children?
In Indian situation for the benefit of the citizens of our country and its growth, it is essential that we make a thorough study of the depletion or loss of intellectual capital flight as migration of talented individuals is a serious matter.

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