Wednesday 17 October 2012

Dowry A Social Evil

Today India is knocked down by many problems like illiteracy, unemployment, cast system terrorism, population growth, female feticide etc… Among the many other problems that surmount the Indian Scenario is Dowry system. Dowry system is rampant in some cultures than in some other cultures for example that Southern side of India has this practice much more impose than in any other parts of India.
This fact is discussed and condemned by many serious minded people. Yet it continues to rule the human mind. Yet Dowry system is practiced faithfully by the people by and large under various lame excuses. The dowry system is responsible to a great extent for child marriage and discrimination against girls. If a girl is married at a tender age, a small amount of dowry will work, but if the girl is educated and qualified, she needs an equal amount of dowry to get a bridegroom of the same status.
Dowry system is faithfully by the people by and large under various lame excuses. Dowry system has deeply rooted in Indian Culture. Unfortunately, the dowry system is still prevalent in India despite the provision in the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961. it says that: "If any person, after the commencement of this Act, gives or takes or abets the giving or taking of dowry, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years, and with fine which shall not be less than fifteen thousand rupees or the amount of the value of such dowry, whichever is more."
It is a reality that serious minded people decide to say no to dower but the external forces, parental insistence etc…. Yet we lack people who can take independent decision and stand by the decision taken. Following are some of the points that can be adapted to refute the evil practice of dowry system.
1 Start practicing dowry prohibition in your family.
2 Educate the members of your family with the provisions of law – that demanding and accepting or giving dowry is an offence.
3 A woman is an important member of family and is entitled to all the rights and privileges a man enjoys.
4 Educate the members of your family and your neighbors to respect a woman’s rights and privileges.
5 Gather like-minded people who are fighting against this evil and begin to conscientise people on the issue.
 Despite every stigma, dowry continues to be the signature of marriage. According to the dowry marriages make or break.
It is high time each one of us should make sure not to encourage this practice, if we choose to call ourselves educated, aware & moral, and seeking for spirituality. This is just another way contributing to the ill treatment of girls and their subjugation and we should have the policy of zero tolerance in the matter  which will help us solve other problems associated with it automatically. Women should insist on marrying only those men who have the courage of their conviction to say no to dowry. Men who insist on living on the wealth provided by their in-laws are as good as impotent and should be avoided at all cost. Women need real social, political, financial and moral support in their fight against the system. They have to be empowered so that they can take their decisions about their own life by refusing the dowry system.
The evil of dowry cannot be tackled by a few individuals. It requires a combined effort of noble-minded persons to eradicate this noble cause

1 comment:

  1. Dowry, indeed an ancient practice. We read about another form of dowry even in the Sacred Scripture. I think, even if the whole world come under the same roof to tackle the Dowry system, nothing will happen. Because the term 'dowry' is less used by the people. Post modernity named it as 'share'. And they, now don't give dowry but their 'share'. Indeed, both are same, at the same time different.
